Friday, September 26, 2008

I say "Let 'em crash!"

Shorter GOP house membership:
They Bought Their Tickets, They Knew What They Were Getting Into. I Say--Let 'Em Crash!
Seriously, this bunch of idiots prefer decades of economic destruction to sacrificing their (fake) small guvmint "credentials" at the altar of actual necessity? We can argue and re-tune deals until the cows come home, but I think any responsible person realizes "I don't know what it is, but something's got to be did."

Naturally, this all just kabuki nonsense such that Saint John McCain can either:

a) Create distance between himself and everybody else (the Democrat menace has gotten to W! He never was a "real" conservative no-how!) when they pass the current bill over his cold, dead (voting-against-it) hand.
2) Claim victory when some other version of the bill passes that includes his beloved Blue Ribbon Commission. (Did they just say "Blue Ribbon?!?"; then it must be good.)

All of which can hopefully cause the cancellation of the VP debate, because 'Merica's in too much danger to allow a lot of this talkin'.

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