Friday, July 13, 2007

Some Obsermavations

First of all, it's called The Simpsons Movie. They've had nearly twenty years to ruminate on it and that was the best they could come up with? It's obvious that the powers that be certainly know what people like: it's got to have sex appeal and a catchy name...

Secondly, and, if we assume the name was not of their choosing, more importantly: why in the name of Our Lord do I see President Schwarzenegger in the trailer? Has everything that has gone before ceased to be? Has the world gone topsy-turvy? Has Rainier Wolfcastle passed softly into the night? Is McGarnacle next? Are we soon to wake only to find in our morning's VitaPeach health block that Chairman Mao is dead?

Honestly, why see the movie? What possible inducement are they offering to a fan?

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