Let me make a point about efficiency, because my Republican opponents - they don’t like to talk about efficiency," Obama said.
"You know the other day I was in a town hall meeting and I laid out my plans for investing $15 billion a year in energy efficient cars and a new electricity grid and somebody said, 'well, what can I do? what can individuals do?' Obama recalled.
"So I told them something simple," Obama said. "I said, 'You know what? You can inflate your tires to the proper levels and that if everybody in America inflated their tires to the proper level, we would actually probably save more oil than all the oil we'd get from John McCain drilling right below his feet there, or wherever he was going to drill.'"
"So now the Republicans are going around - this is the kind of thing they do. I don't understand it! They’re going around, they're sending like little tire gauges, making fun of this idea as if this is 'Barack Obama's energy plan.'
"Now two points, one, they know they're lying about what my energy plan is, but the other thing is they're making fun of a step that every expert says would absolutely reduce our oil consumption by 3 to 4 percent. It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.
Fine. But what we really need in this fight are Ross Perot style charts and graphs. Hard numbers. Hit McCain right where he's most vulnerable: his total lack of understanding of anything numerical. He's already said he doesn't get economics, is unaware of the computer, knows nothing of the innertubes. The simplest pie chart will strike him like a bolt from the distant future; and he's guaranteed to do us the honor of saying so on national television. Every one of these idiotic GOP-lead, media enabled "ain't it funny?" lines needs to be systematically dismantled beyond the point of comfort.
Brazen, prideful stupidity and its media enablers must be exterminated from the public discourse. Starting now. Because it's only going to get worse, and because McCain is counting on a bunch of silly issues like this sopping up all available debate time. If they actually were to, you know, debate three or four times, well, let's just say that would be a GOP disaster.
After 9 or 10 years of this non-stop nonsense, we're so steeped in it we don't even notice anymore. It's going to take 15 or 20 years to march it back. Start now.
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